Winter Camp: 17 -21 February

Child must be 4 years by April 2025.
Emergency Contact Number

Winter Camp: 17 -21 February

Please select either our normal hours 9-3pm or extended hours 9-5pm.
Note no extended hours on Fridays

Location St Ignatius Gymnasium
I hereby give permission for my child’s photo to be used for promotional/marketing purposes on behalf of Little Star Fitnes.
I hereby I wish that my child participate in activities offered by Little Star Fitness NL (LSF). During the activities at LSF, participants will be involved in some or all of the following: sporting activities, dance, arts, trapeze, aerial silks, floor gymnastics, and other similar activities. At Little Star Fitness NL, we prioritise safety for our students. Skills are taught progressively, and aerial equipment is kept closer to the ground until the student is ready to go higher. The chance of injury is low. However, like any physical activity, there is the chance of getting hurt, falling or straining a muscle.
I acknowledge that I understand there is a risk of injury and I accept the risks and would like my child to participate in the activities. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding any participation in these activities if health issues are a concern. I attest that my child is physically fit and has no medical conditions. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, which I might incur as a result of participating in these activities. I agree to inform the instructor(s) or staff of Little Star Fitness NL of any physical limitations, physical discomforts and/or injuries, and I take full responsibility for nondisclosure. I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against Little Star Fitness NL the coaches for injury or damages that my child may sustain as a result of participating in these activities.
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